5 Simple Ways to Combat SAD
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) impacts so many people every single year. Essentially what SAD is, is a mood/mental disorder that correlates with a season. People who get SAD may typically have “normal” mental health all year round, until a specific season hits. SAD most commonly occurs in the winter, due to temperature change and lack of sunlight. Because of these changes, lack of sunlight causes the hypothalamus to not work properly, which leads to disruption in your body’s circadian rhythm. This then affects serotonin and melatonin levels. Because of this, SAD is displayed in multiple ways but most recognizably in symptoms of depressive behavior such as overeating, fatigue and excessive sleeping.
5 Simple Tips to Help Limit the Impact of SAD
Vitamin D - supplementing vitamin D is super important for colder months as we naturally do not get enough due to lack of sunlight!
Get Outside - trust me, I hate the cold too. But layer up and get outside, this is a super easy way to ensure your body gets exposure to a natural source of vitamin D.
Light Therapy - this is basically exposure to a bright artificial light source (typically a light box) that helps the body to adjust to the lack of sun exposure by imitating natural light.
Nutrient Dense Diet - focusing on eating leafy greens, healthy fats and lean protein sources will help to keep your hormones happy and serotonin levels in check.
Adaptogens - help your body to adapt to systematic stress, allowing for more energy.