The Internal Way to Wrinkle Prevention

Okay, let’s get real. Everyone at some point in their life is going to start getting wrinkles. Sad, but true. As we age there is a loss of structure and elasticity within our skin. This happens due to aging, environmental factors, your immune system, stress and even nutritional deficiencies. Wrinkles are not just a sign of aging in our external appearance, but are a display of internal aging as well. Again, while all of this stuff is inevitable, you can take preventative measures through diet, supplementation and lifestyle to help lessen the effect of your eventual wrinkles and even delay them for a couple more years to come.

How can you limit your chances of getting wrinkles?

-          Reduce Stress : by doing this you allow for less stress induced oxidative damage within your skin – which is what causes thinning and loss of elasticity.

-          Nutrient-Dense Foods : by providing your body with the nutrients it needs such as antioxidants you can help to fight free radical damage off from the inside out. You basically feed your skin from within!

-          Liver Support : the health of your liver attributes to your whole body health. It is a filter for your blood, aids in proper detox, plays a role in proper digestion, helps with nutrient distribution, general circulation and much much more. If your liver is not in goo d health, age will show more quickly in your appearance than it would for someone who has a well functioning liver. When your liver is distressed your skin can become dry, dull and saggy – all of which we don’t want when trying to prevent eventual deterioration. Some things to include in your diet to support your liver include bitters, leafy greens, cruciferous veggies, probiotic foods, fresh herbs, antioxidant foods and healthy fats. Some things to limit or avoid include highly processed foods (specifically fats), excessive amounts of caffeine/alcohol, processed meats and refined sugars/grains.

-          Lymphatic Support : your lymphatic system plays a major role in circulation and toxin elimination. If your lymphatic system is not functioning properly your skin can start to become dry/flaky and also begin to lack elasticity. You can help to support your lymphatic system by drinking an adequate amount of water, following an anti-inflammatory diet, getting regular exercise, contrast showers, dry brushing and use of herbs.

-          Facial Cupping/Derma Rolling : both of these techniques help to improve circulation and nutrient delivery within your skin. By doing this you can help to decrease the appearance of fine lines/wrinkles within your skin.

-          Vitamin C : vitamin C enhances the synthesis of collagen in your skin/hair which helps to ensure elasticity and vibrance within the skin. You can get vitamin C through supplementation (my favourite way is through camu camu – Giddy Yoyo has an amazing powder) or through your diet.

While these tips are super basic and straight forward they can create a major difference when used in a preventative way, so I hope you'll find a way to implement a couple in your day to day life!

xoxo ky

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